coke is the drink of the death squads
another boycott I’ve already been observing forever. still not buying debeers diamonds or caterpillar backhoes.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
the Colombia right wing death squad company is unethical?
Excuse YOU: They were a democratically approved death squad
Coke went woke
It’s not true afaik but tell it to your chud relatives
Woke-a Cola
Those curly letters in the logo? Suspiciously gay. And the bottle is trans, it was literally designed to evoke a female figure.
It wasn’t part of the list already? Wow I just assumed because coke is so evil they would’ve been a shoe-in.
pretty sure they’ve been on the list?
edit: read the thread and I guess not? weird
It makes sense, though. Making BDS too broad or easy to qualify into kind of dilutes the list by having too many companies be in it. It’s better to have a clear, limited call to action.
They’ve had organised boycotts against them by smaller orgs but BDS is the biggest org so far that’s officially called a Coca-Cola boycott.
I guess not the official list, but from the No Thanks app, there’s this info regarding Coca-Cola:
Most corporations, especially due to being owned by very large monopolies, have direct or indirect support for Israel. Nearly every western product has ties to Israel, thus I suggest buying things used, second hand, local, or find diy solutions.
Boycotting a company like Coke is really difficult. People like the product to the point of addiction, there are a thousand subsidiaries to track, and they’re so big that you need real numbers to make a dent. You have to get a lot of people on the same page to manage it, but with the McDonald’s boycott making progress, BDS is encouraged and hoping to press what it sees as an advantage.
You’re right! It just goes to show that sometimes you can just assume things that aren’t true because they feel right.
No investigation, no right to speak, and so on.
I gotta say, I feel like targeting the coke’s and mcdonalds of the world is kinda… hopeless? like it couldn’t possibly make a dent in their numbers at the current size of the movement. Maybe thats not true, idk, but I’d prefer to absolutely wreck a sabra or something than make coke take a 0.4% hit
BDS has been very strategic with it’s targets so far so the fact that they now feel it is viable to target coke is a very positive sign.
you know what, I think I was wrong.
McDonald’s yesterday reported that its global sales declined for the first time since 2020, with its net profit declining 12 percent compared to the same period last year. Starbucks announced Tuesday that sales in North American stores dipped 2 percent, and sales in the rest of the world dipped 7 percent. It also reported that its total international profits dropped by 23 percent.
It does seem like the majority of that hit is coming from predominantly muslim markets, not the domestic US market, and I think that bds org is US based? but regardless, significant dents are being made, and keeping the US movement in lockstep with the international boycott movements is important
I should have looked it up first
I would personally like to thank BDS for helping quit my McD’s and Starbucks addictions a few years ago. Idk what the figures for the US specifically look like but I know between myself and some friends it probably amounts to a few thousand a year.
And that’s the thing of it: Alot of people are looking for excuses to quit, and telling people now it’s also morally good (
) can be a tipping point
Can someone please explain what body is responsible for what I’ve seen referred to as the “official” list? Is Coke actually on it now? I’ve tried googling it but couldn’t find anything definitive.
The body responsible for these decisions is the BNC (BDS National Committee, a committee of Palestinians who run the BDS campaign). They run this website:
BDS is not the only organised boycott. Other Palestinian liberation orgs also call boycotts. BDS is, afaik, the only organised boycott campaign against Israel that is in every country (bar Israel obviously)—the other organised boycotts I know of are organised nationally by various orgs. And there are also grassroots boycotts eg of Starbucks, and these grassroots boycotts sometimes become BDS targets (e.g. McDonald’s).
I thought this website had the official list
Edit: if that is the official website, here’s their statement saying coke is targeted now’s-genocidal-soldiers’-thirst
the whole list on the first link is: hp, siemens, AXA, puma, isreali fruit & veg, soda stream, ahava, sabra
seems kinda short…?
seems kinda short…?
Yes that’s the point. The lists you see with dozens of brands are unofficial, and the BNC does strategic focused boycotts of what they think are the most complicit companies.
We focus our boycotts on a small number of companies and products for maximum impact. We focus on companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where we think we can have an impact.
I’m sympathetic to this rationale. If you actually want a mass of people to participate in a boycott, it can’t be a laundry list of products.
yeah, consumer boycotts have very little leverage. you need a huge amount of people to know and care and change their behavior to make a blip and for the business to not think it’s from some other reason.
I’ll use this opportunity to plug the Boycat app; it’s not affiliated with the official BDS list but it’s been great to have handy. If a brand is owned by Coca-Cola it will usually list them, too. For example, this is what I got when I pulled up Honest Tea (owned by Coca-Cola, something I didn’t know until today):
Honest Tea was discontinued in Dec 2022…
Honestea is dead. Long live the lie
Blood for the Blood God! Blood for the Blood God! Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood!
Good thing I don’t drink soda.
they own a lot of stuff, might want to check the list of their brands
Yeah I haven’t consumed any of their shit in years. Don’t like packaged drinks at all nowadays.
highlights I wasn’t aware of:
- Hansen’s
- Odwalla
- Powerade (now that I think of it I knew this one was Coca-Cola. also Dasani and Dannon)
- Seagram’s
- Smart Water
- Topo Chico
- Vitamin Water
Bacardi Mixers
A good time to remind people that Bacardi is a gusano company, buy Havana Club instead if you can get the non-gusano version.
Diet Coke on the BDS list is my own personal 9/11