Cishet, he/him, trying to be a good ally.

Allergic to Meta.

Soldering that winky-blinky thing to that other ringy-dingy thing over there.

Awaiting the dogularity and upload to a robotic mutt chassis.

Profile pic is an MFM-generated protest icon of “eerst mijn rechten terug”, or “first my rights back”, in reference to the Dutch post-WW2 protest of “eerst mijn fiets terug” or “first my bicycle back”. Before any negotiations or requests, first restore peoples’ rights. Details:

Profile banner is a picture of a printed sign on a gate which says “DO NOT ALLOW YOUR PETS TO DIG FOR GOPHERS OR EAT THEM!” Taken in Edmonton, Canada, circa May 2007.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023
