To say it’s been a bad week for Unity is the understatement of 2023. First they announced a terrible new Pricing scheme, then their customers revolted, as the week goes on though, it gets worse and worse for Unity, from threats from an employee shutting down their offices, to more studios threatening to leave, to scummy secret changes to their terms of service and back door deals with clients to get around the Unity Runtime Fee in an attempt to bury a competitor.

    10 months ago

    Have you considered wearing headphones? You can pop an airpod in and listen to the audio without even having the video on your monitor.

    Or enable captions and just read the video like an article.

    Edit: Oops looks like the hipsters who hate everything Apple because it was made by Apple are here now to downvote because I said the word “airpod”

    Edit: <---- Downvote here to join the I’m-Stupid club!

    • Cylusthevirus
      710 months ago

      hipsters who hate everything Apple

      If anyone needed conclusive proof that the word “hipster” is now functionally meaningless, here it is.

      410 months ago

      Some of us here didn’t grow up in the YouTube generation, where what could be a one minute read has to be turned into a ten minute ad-riddled video with over the top voice acting, “artistic” shots, and useless transitions.

    • Doug [he/him]
      210 months ago

      Have you considered that plenty of people probably find your advice stupid and condescending regardless of saying the word “airpod”?

      Or that the word airpod was also unnecessary since you already said headphones?

      Apple defaultism is pretty dumb on its own, but it’s hardly the biggest problem with your comment.

    • BlinkerFluid
      -510 months ago

      I don’t own any airpods. Is Apple discipleship so strong that we all just assume everyone has the newest tat?

      Quick, check your iPhone…