Researchers from Pritzker Molecular Engineering, under the guidance of Prof. Jeffrey Hubbell, demonstrated that their compound can eliminate the autoimmune response linked to multiple sclerosis. Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have developed

    210 months ago

    Wait, are inverse vaccines the same as mRNA? That’s what I was wondering about. Have the inverse vaccines been on the research agenda for awhile? As I said before, I’m hoping the mRNA breakthroughs help the reverse vaccines go quicker.

      510 months ago

      Nope. In this case they figured out that you can “tag” molecules with N-acetylgalactosamine, and that convinces the Liver to tolerate the molecule that causes the immune reaction and signal the immune system. My wife has a major anaphylactic reaction to certain shrimp and this would be a game changer.