This is my Hard Rock I’ve been using to commute, run errands, and every once in a while ride some rough stuff with. I’m on the market for another bike as this one is rather small for me, but I’m sure not looking forward to selling it.

    • @PoorPossumOP
      1 year ago

      It is a Wike! The only trailers I can compare them against based off of experience are Bikes at Work… and obviously there’s no comparing the two. The BAW trailers I regularly used to cart 300+lbs of produce, and the Wike ideally needs to be kept under 100lbs. I had a Wike trailer break on me while hauling rock salt on a winter’s day, but when I asked the company about repair suggestions they sent me a new trailer body pretty promptly, so their service is pretty good… I still find myself wishing I had a Bikes at Work or one of the Surly trailers, though.

        11 year ago

        Bikes at Work

        Yeah, they look like super heavy duty, but the price… ouch! Seems easily justified, though. 300lbs+ is a lot to haul around on a bike.

        I’ve used the Wike City Cargo trailer for a few months now, mostly to take some load off my bike while getting groceries, but I always wish I could haul more! LOL

        Since I make every effort to replace car trips with my bike, every useful tool, like a trailer, makes that task so much easier!