• @rainynight65@feddit.de
    12 months ago

    I’m off by one, you’re off by one - shall we split the difference and I’ll overlook that even being merely technically correct I’m still closer than you, who’s both technically and objectively incorrect?

    C’mon, no cop is going to give you that deal.

    • MacN'Cheezus
      12 months ago

      People like you are literally the reason I don’t live in Germany anymore.

      You sound like the kind of person who’d chew out his neighbor if their kids make as much as a peep during Mittagsruhe but start mowing the lawn at 7am simply because it’s legal.

        • MacN'Cheezus
          12 months ago

          Says the guy who literally got his panties in a twist because I forgot to mention the pickles in a Fleischsalat while making a JOKE.

          • @rainynight65@feddit.de
            12 months ago

            I pointed out that your JOKE was shit. You’re the one who started calling me names, so don’t lecture me on twisted knickers.

            • MacN'Cheezus
              02 months ago

              The only thing I called you was “German Police”, are you telling me that’s an insult? I thought the police were a respectable and upstanding part of the German people and steadfast protector of Recht und Ordnung.

              Come on man, if I had tried to insult you I’d have chosen completely different words, like Fleischsalatnazi, Korinthenkacker, or Oberstudienrat. But I was merely making fun of your complete and utter inability to take a joke because it forgot to mention the obligatory pickles, which, let’s be clear, is simply a wonderful example of why Germans are widely regarded to have absolutely zero sense of humor.