Apologies if this doesn’t fit here, not sure where else to post something like this on lemmy

I think having gravity act like weather might be an interesting concept for a fantasy world, where each country has its own gravity patterns, some tend to be heavier some tend to be lighter, some are all over the place

For a few examples, there could be a desert with gravity so high you can get dragged down into the sand

Could be a country with gravity so low everyone uses personal aircraft that work like bicycles instead of land vehicles

Animals in higher gravity areas would have less dense bones, more muscle, etc and lower gravity would have far larger animals because they can support more weight

In a really high gravity area people might need exoskeletons to prevent long term damage

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    1 year ago

    Well if we are going for science…

    Giant constructions will have a lot of wear and tear under varying gravity. On top of that, high winds and frequent storms are likely to weather geographical features a lot, making them more flat. In a fantasy world, you can just magic things away, so that’s fine :)

    I don’t know about you, but I would find constant high winds fairly terrifying for air travel. Perhaps they are high enough to permit wheeled sailboats on land? That would be creative!

    • flashgnash@lemm.eeOP
      1 year ago

      Wheeled sailboats would be very cool, for air travel could have an airbender-like group, a bunch of monks who dedicate their lives to studying the way the wind changes who can instinctively navigate it and use it to their advantage

      Aircraft could essentially just be a hang glider with various mechanisms for steering and best catching the wind

      I think if I were writing this as a book I’d have to conveniently ignore/find a way to explain away the wind problem though as it would turn the world from a kind of whimsical interesting place to a deadly, unforgiving one.

      I also quite like the idea of low gravs having low tech man-powered aircraft instead of land vehicles and wild wind would make that rather impossible

      I quite like the idea of wild wind over the ocean for those air nomad people but that might be a case of wanting my cake and eating it too

      I guess if I were going the magical route there could be a group of wizards in every town or city maintaining some kind of force field to keep the wind out, taking it in shifts. Could be a major terrorist threat if someone were able to take them down

      • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
        1 year ago

        I suppose wheeled boats are just… cars with sails? Sailcars? Wind chariots?

        Hm, one thing I didn’t think about was magma, if the variations are not so small. Going to have more volcanic eruptions, as fluids get pressed out of high-gravity regions and into low-gravity ones (creating big mountains that grow and tumble into the high gravity wells like some sort of horizontal convection?). Earthquakes too, as the high gravity regions sink and the low gravity ones rise creating shear force. I bet the planet would be more “lumpy” than your run-of-the-mill oblong spheroid. I wonder what continental drift would be like?

        With that much irregular magma flow, I bet the magnetic field would be weird if it could sustain one at all. Maybe as ‘cells’ where the eruptions occur in low gravity regions, then gets pulled into high gravity regions where it compresses, heats due to radioactive decay, melts and is pushed back out into low-gravity regions. So maybe you’d have ‘local north’ for the cell? Or a very weak magnetic field overall (yay radiation)? I don’t really know on this point.

        Oh and exceptionally high-precision clocks won’t be useful except locally, because of the effect of gravity on spacetime, but that doesn’t seem so bad. Low precision clocks based on pendulums won’t be useful at all! Spring escapements should be fine though.

        Maybe it would be better to live underwater?

        Wow all of that, and home ownership still seems more accessible there than here. I bet real estate prices are a bargain!

        • flashgnash@lemm.eeOP
          1 year ago

          I can’t imagine living under water would be much fun either, I imagine the bottom of the ocean in high grav would be absolutely unlivable due to the pressure

          Also, I’m not entirely sure how it works but divers have to come out of the water really slowly and carefully so they don’t get the bends, imagine that where the water pressure keeps changing

          Infact imagine any underwater structure where the pressure continuously changes dramatically

          Also also the tides would be going absolutely crazy overhead

          All that said that would make it even cooler to have some kind of hermit character, maybe a powerful wizard living under the sea despite all the hazards and difficulties