Personally I am loving the format of the current switch games, and Nintendo has signaled that they intend to keep making games in this style though not necessarily a sequel.

I would love first and foremost for the story telling to be brought back to the standards of Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess.

Also, to me the best thing in the 3D games has always been the pacing, you have your first initial quest, that leads to Link powering up in a few different ways. Then Link is set on a second quest, becoming more powerful again. Then a twist of some sort, though that’s optional. Then finally the climactic battle with the big bad. I would also like to see more of an after story, though it is traditional for that to not be a thing at this point.

As for settings, I would LOVE to see a game set after spirit tracks in New Hyrule in the midst of an industrial revolution, mixed with magic.

How about you, what are your wishlist items for the next/future Zelda games?

    1 year ago

    Bring back old-style dungeons that have to be done in a specific order (at least for clusters of dungeons, like do first three in any order, then a fourth, then do next two in any order, then the last two in order), that have puzzles that build upon dungeon items obtained from previous dungeons. I also do NOT want to be given all the main “items” or powers at the start of the game, as that just limits what you can do as far as progression of puzzles.

    More linear storytelling that takes place in the present, rather than everything interesting happening in the past via memories.

    An overworld that isn’t completely open from the start. You need to progress through some dungeons or towns to open up new areas of the world.

    Basically I just want the old Zelda formula back.

    For something a little out there, I want actual RPG mechanics like stats and actual leveling up in Zelda. Especially if it remains this BoTW/ToTK open air design. Just to give me a sense of progression.