Since there might be some traffic from newer people coming our way, i thought we might make a thread for them.
Comment some helpful things or even links to videos in here if you like.
Since there might be some traffic from newer people coming our way, i thought we might make a thread for them.
Comment some helpful things or even links to videos in here if you like.
AutoHotKey Script for Jump+Dodge (bound to AltGr on a QUERTZ Keyboard)
SetKeyDelay, -1, 40 #IfWinActive Guild Wars 2 ; Jump+Dodge LControl & RAlt:: Send, {space down}{v down}{space up}{v up} return
Isn’t it against the rules to use macros/scripts?
Oops: Didn’t see that someone else already answered. Well, we referenced the same source. That’s good, I guess.🙂