How do you feel about AI artwork used in your campaign?

I’m involved with a couple or PbP games that use it to help keep people involved and I rather enjoy it.

Just to be clear, I’m not talking about AI art being used in manuals. I’m talking about art being generated for use in a specific campaign.


    1 year ago

    I’ve not had much luck with AI artwork in any of my campaigns. Maybe it’s because I’m using DALL-E and not some of the others. I am using ChatGPT (3.5 and 4) to generate content for my campaigns, though. When someone asks for a name of an NPC, I ask it for a name, description, and two sentence personality. It does great at on the spot NPC generation. I’ve also used it to write up a bounty notice - I just gave it the group offering the bounty’s name, the “main” baddie of the group being hunted, and their general location. Boom - instant side quest.