You and the other guy both sound like you’re whining that free content isn’t being catered to your every taste for you when you have every tool at your disposal to curate your own content.
I can do you one better with a Tampermonkey script that will replace every reference to his name on every webpage to either “the biggest twat on the planet” or “this dipshit”, depending on which works better syntactically.
// ==UserScript==// @name Text Replace// @version 0.1// @description Text Replace// @author SiameseDream// @include *// @grant none// @namespace beepboop// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var replaceArry = [
[/ Elon Musk/gi,' the biggest twat on the planet'],
[/Elon Musk/gi,'The biggest twat on the planet'],
[/ Mr. Musk/gi,' this dipshit'],
[/ Musk/gi,' this dipshit'],
[/Mr. Musk/gi,'This dipshit'],
[/Musk/gi,'This dipshit'],
// etc.
var numTerms = replaceArry.length;
var txtWalker = document.createTreeWalker (
{ acceptNode: function (node) {
//-- Skip whitespace-only nodesif (node.nodeValue.trim() )
var txtNode = null;
while (txtNode = txtWalker.nextNode () ) {
var oldTxt = txtNode.nodeValue;
for (var J = 0; J < numTerms; J++) {
oldTxt = oldTxt.replace (replaceArry[J][0], replaceArry[J][1]);
txtNode.nodeValue = oldTxt;
Downvoting is kind of unfair because it is technology based, ignore button just ignores that specific post, unsubscribe unsubscribes me from all technology posts which I don’t want
Because the downvote button isn’t for what I personally don’t want to see, it’s for what isn’t relevant. As much as I don’t want to see this, it is technology
Someone please make a lemmy client with a word filtering option so I can stop hearing about elmo
Or just scroll past things you don’t want to read about? That is a very viable option.
Not viable when every single post is about him.
There’s plenty of communities on Lemmy that don’t discuss Elon at all. Curate your own homefeed
are there any communities that discuss technology advancements ? I can’t find any sub for technology enthusiasts.
edit: ah gotcha you’re just telling him to go away while trying to sound reasonable.
You and the other guy both sound like you’re whining that free content isn’t being catered to your every taste for you when you have every tool at your disposal to curate your own content.
Y’all are entitled as shit.
You might want to start paying more attention to what people say instead of focusing on how it makes you feel when you participate in an argument.
I thought about it.
Y’all are entitled as shit.
You sound butthurt lol.
You sound like you’re a teenager.
Unless every finger on your hand is broken, it’s always viable. And if every finger is broken, I’m pretty sure you’ve got bigger problems.
I can do you one better with a Tampermonkey script that will replace every reference to his name on every webpage to either “the biggest twat on the planet” or “this dipshit”, depending on which works better syntactically.
// ==UserScript== // @name Text Replace // @version 0.1 // @description Text Replace // @author SiameseDream // @include * // @grant none // @namespace beepboop // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var replaceArry = [ [/ Elon Musk/gi,' the biggest twat on the planet'], [/Elon Musk/gi,'The biggest twat on the planet'], [/ Mr. Musk/gi,' this dipshit'], [/ Musk/gi,' this dipshit'], [/Mr. Musk/gi,'This dipshit'], [/Musk/gi,'This dipshit'], // etc. ]; var numTerms = replaceArry.length; var txtWalker = document.createTreeWalker ( document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, { acceptNode: function (node) { //-- Skip whitespace-only nodes if (node.nodeValue.trim() ) return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; } }, false ); var txtNode = null; while (txtNode = txtWalker.nextNode () ) { var oldTxt = txtNode.nodeValue; for (var J = 0; J < numTerms; J++) { oldTxt = oldTxt.replace (replaceArry[J][0], replaceArry[J][1]); } txtNode.nodeValue = oldTxt; } })();
In practice it looks like this
Options that empower you:
Downvoting is kind of unfair because it is technology based, ignore button just ignores that specific post, unsubscribe unsubscribes me from all technology posts which I don’t want
… You are putting the responsibility on the victim?!
Why didn’t you downvote this thread? In kbin I can see who downvoted it and you’re not there.
Beeshaw actually won’t let you downvote. Has it’s pros and cons
The user I’m asking is from
Because the downvote button isn’t for what I personally don’t want to see, it’s for what isn’t relevant. As much as I don’t want to see this, it is technology
Elmo loves you even if you don’t love Elmo