Scratch and traditional skills together make for a really strong combo. I’ve saved or repurposed many imperfect prints with some creative physical work.
Thanks! Its actually my first scratch mini, but I’ve done a fair amount of terrain, including a few stalagmites, so this wasn’t too different from that. The tentacles or strands were made with a buddy’s 3d printing pen thing.
Heck yeah, great job and thank you for sharing the pics of the build process
I typically print and paint minis so it’s really interesting seeing the scratch built side of things
Scratch and traditional skills together make for a really strong combo. I’ve saved or repurposed many imperfect prints with some creative physical work.
Thanks! Its actually my first scratch mini, but I’ve done a fair amount of terrain, including a few stalagmites, so this wasn’t too different from that. The tentacles or strands were made with a buddy’s 3d printing pen thing.