Frankly, Even I hate nonsense Reddit API updates that have almost put third-party apps out of business. I’m more than happy with the two-day blackout as a mark of protest. But sealing off our subreddit forever? That’s ridiculous! We’re a community of just over a million. There several of us back online, yet we arent.

The mods are on some power trip, making decisions without consulting us subscribers. How about a vote? Let us have a say in this! It’s an absolute mockery!

I use Reddit to unwind after a hard day’s work, and this subreddit was my favorite. But remember, if you don’t value us, someone else will.

Wake up from your delusion! For heaven’s sake, do right by your subscribers and bring the subreddit back online!

Edit: @mods, you are yet to answer why there’s no vote if you really want to Jeopardize this subreddit for a cause. A fair vote should be there if we made this subreddit into what it is today. Be kind and open.

Edit 2: Still no answer from mods. Why wasn’t there a vote? I hope you don’t consider yourself to be the flag bearer. Downvote me all you want but there’s already a subreddit easily eating up your audience.

Edit 3: Yet no answer from mods. Why there was no vote? Are you guys flagbearers of the community?

    1 year ago

    low quality subreddits

    Those low quality CS subreddits have always existed, and maybe even predate r/GlobalOffensive. The people who moderate the sub are the ones who made and maintained GlobalOffensive as a high quality sub. If they are willing to blow it all up and suggest an alternative, then I am at least willing to give it a chance. Frankly the API changes don’t impact me that much, but there’s more than a few people that were looking for a reason to leave a platform that they believed has been in decline for a long time.

    The people running r/GlobalOffensive were, by and large, really good. The people running Reddit are, by and large, fucking morons. I don’t know how a company that aggregates links and text comments could possibly need $1B+ in funding. It didn’t need to host video or images, or be a centralized publicly traded company, or the next trillion dollar tech baby. But they put themselves in that position because: they’re fucking morons. The bill came due on that VC funding and now they are fucked and trying to monetize in shit ways. I’m not interested in sticking around for it.