• retrospectology@lemmy.world
    3 个月前

    The Abrahamic religions are based on superstious oral traditions that extend into the bronze age. They are a hodge podge of cults and spiritual traditions that got absorbed as tribes genocided eachother over the millenia. Taking over a conquered group’s pantheon is a regular occurrence throughout history, similar to how the Romans took Christianity and adapted it. There are remnants in the torah/old testament of the stitching together of different polytheistic religious narratives that eventually became the Abrahamic traditions.

    I don’t really care about technical specifics of when any given era of the Abrahamic religions began, believing in invisible skymen is not the same as a material tool or a mathematical proof. It’s a bunch of bullshit stories people told eachother for why the rain fell or why lightning happened, it belongs in the past, there’s no excuse to still believe it now.