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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Mae_Bookz123 on 2023-08-10 07:09:15.

TW: mentions of alcohol, home invasion?

I’m terrified, so let’s get straight to the point. I’ve been living in my apartment for only two months. I moved out of my house at 18, I have a dead dad, alcoholic mom and no siblings. My life was misery up until the point I left. I work three jobs to keep up rent and I’m still barely scraping by.

All of this working makes me exhausted so when I finally get home it’s usually just to eat and sleep before going to work again. I didn’t pay much attention to my living space the first month, but something changed.

It started a month ago when I got home from work, I made myself some instant noodles from my local supermarket and ate quickly before going to bed. Usually I’m so tired I oversleep and rush out the door, but today was different, and I actually had half a day to myself. I slept until 3pm, then got up and decided to watch a movie, finally able to relax.

I stretched and made my way to the living room, but something in the kitchen made me freeze.

Had I thrown away my package?

I could’ve sworn I had left it on the counter, but it was sitting in the trash. Convincing myself I threw it away wasn’t hard. I can barely function.

Of course, misplaced trash on it’s own means nothing. But it wasn’t the only thing.

After that tiny mishap was noticed, I started to see the rest. The way my shampoo ran out way faster than I was using it, how my paper towels were in a different cabinet then usual.

Most of these things I could brush off as me being tired, but two weeks passed, and something happened that I couldn’t just ignore.

It was different from everything else in one way, it was undeniable.

I got home after a long day of waitressing, dark circles under my eyes, a will to sleep in my heart. But I was awake in less than a minute when I noticed it.

I only sleep in my bed, and on my couch was the indentation of a person.

Immediately my heart dropped and I couldn’t move. I just stared at the spot, telling myself I was crazy. I was too scared to look around, too scared to do anything but leave.

Were they still inside? Were they homeless? A murderer? Was it just me being crazy?

I made myself take a few deep breaths and determined I had to find out. Forcing back all my fear, I decided to investigate.

Quieter than I’d ever been, I laid my bag and keys on the entrance rug, making sure the sound was muffled. Then I took off my shoes so I was just wearing socks and crept around the corner.

My apartment is small, an entryway, kitchen and living room are all one big space, then there’s a short hallway to my bedroom and bathroom. After making sure the main area was clear, I started down the hallway. The only sound was my AC, which is loud.

So loud, in fact, that there’s no way I should’ve heard the scratching noise from the wall beside me. Unless whatever was inside was huge.

I’m not an idiot, the minute I heard this noise I bolted. I ran out of that apartment as quick as I could and called the police, adrenaline making me shake with tears.

After talking to an officer for half an hour, I finally convinced him to come take a look. I knew it didn’t look good. A sleep-deprived teen with an alcoholic mom and three jobs saying there’s a man I’m her home isn’t exactly believable. I think he only listened to shut me up, but I was grateful anyway.

He went inside and did a half-hearted search before shaking his head. “The house is empty.”

“No,” I cried, “there was scratching in the walls.”

The officer wiped his face with his hand and sighed. “Have you ever heard of rats?”

I felt slapped in the face. I knew what I saw I really did… But maybe he was right.

I lived the next two weeks of my life hearing that scratching, it was awful. Every day it was small inconveniences and scratching. I truly think I’m going crazy, I’ve never had any real proof.

I just need advice, it took me a while to find the time to write this, to see if anyone can

Holy shit.

I see it.

I have a vent in front of my bed. I can see it’s eyes.

I can’t move. I’m so scared. It’s staring at me. Please respond fast, I’m gonna call the police again, what do I do?

Oh god I hope they believe me