On my scrolling research on Hexbear, I’ve come across some of the following abbrassive figures against reactionaries: fedposting

Tankiedesantski (as of now, has not returned a month after he tried to justify the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, from a Chinese diaspora POV)

UlyssesT (awakened by Dirty Owl, still juiced up in his personal crusade against bazingabrains and Cali-cucks)

AlaskaBall (prolly making Lenin-esque dunk of the tailist CPUSA as we speak)

Polandisastateofmind (Lemmygradder, known for being the usual self-hating Pole and rightfully so)

RyanGosling (prolly Tankiedesantski’s blood brother, in terms of VIBES, not necessarily political views)

frauddogg (stop changing display names, Lemmygradder, that being said, vehemently anti- cracker and prolly BlackRedGuard’s personal alt )

  • Eric Blair