So I was attempting to install kevinakasam’s belt mod and I’m fairly sure I stripped the thread that holds the M4 screw in the outer right side of the X axis profile (the side without the extruder attached to the tensioner). How screwed am I? Could I get away with trying Loctite red?
Edit: Thanks a ton everyone, I’ll keep you all up to date when I try to finish the project this weekend!
Imo for a single job, I’d prioritize getting some tap magic over worrying about tap quality. For aluminum, tap magic makes a big difference.
I’m starting from no knowledge here, so all advice is great! Do you mean this stuff? Or should I get the aluminum version?
The aluminum version would be preferred, but what you linked will do just fine. I can’t find a small tin of the aluminum version on Amazon, so don’t bother overspending on a large container.
If you are going up a thread size, make sure you get the appropriate drill bit. You need to drill out the hole before tapping. M5 usually calls for a 4.2mm predrill.