For me it’s been communities like /r/buildapc, /r/buildapcforme, /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, and /r/consoledeals have been useful throughout the years.
For me it’s been communities like /r/buildapc, /r/buildapcforme, /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, and /r/consoledeals have been useful throughout the years.
I was really enjoying r/me_irlgbt lately. And r/traaaaaaannnnnssss (definitely the wrong number of letters here).
I agree the trans memes are valuable, especially these days. They’re a hopeful spot in a dark world rn.
Edit: I like r/egg_irl too but it does sometimes have a tendency toward some problems with people calling other people eggs who might not actually be eggs, instead of just talking about themselves. The effect being a weird roundabout gender roles policing.
Yeah, definitely the downside of that community. I’m definitely there for the personal ‘this was/is my journey’ egg memes, call outs about ‘egg like behavior’ aren’t ok.
I’m not a fan of the whole “egg” concept for precisely that reason.