Hi guys basically as the title says. I have a pixel phone running GrapheneOS and I really don’t want to install Play Services. Is there an alternative for me? I need reliable notifications for Telegram and signal. Edit: Thank you all amazing people for helping I learned alot and found best setup for me
Please update what you chose then, to help the next person.
I went with ntfy.sh and installed molly and mercurygram.
Good choices. I take this a step further and bridge IRC, Signal, Gvoice, and WhatsApp from a plugged in device or container to Matrix. Then use ntfy for Matrix notifications. This gives me notifications for all of them in Matrix/Element and thus through ntfy.
Example: Instead of Molly I use
bridge as the device and it feeds messages into Matrix.There’s also a Telegram bridge: https://matrix.org/ecosystem/bridges/telegram/