It seems like there are about 22 27 46 219 320 493 1840 active subscribers here. I have a few questions for you all.

  • Which programming languages do you regularly use?
  • Which are your favorite to work with and why?
  • Which do you have interest in trying and why?
    1 year ago
    • I think Javascript is the language I’ve spent the most time with throughout my life. I used it to create internal tools at my last job. I’m using it now on a personal project that I plan on adding to my portfolio.
    • Python. I find the syntax tends to be straight to the point. But it’s so easy for me to get them mixed up with Javascript. The one that I have to keep going back and looking it up is len(list) vs array.length. Yes…I did have to look it up to make sure I got it right 😞
    • I’m actually going through #12in23 challenge (12 languages in 2023). Out of the new ones I’ve tried so far, Rust, Red, and Elixir are the ones I’m interested in going back into. Largely out of curiosity. I also like learning new languages because they can help improve my understanding of more general concepts.
        1 year ago

        The biggest draw with Red for me was how quickly you can put together a simple GUI program. IIRC, you just need to download the GUI version of Red, there are no extra dependencies or framework. That said, I didn’t get to play with the GUI aspect of it much in exercism’s exercises. I suspect the test runners wouldn’t have supported it.

        The syntax definitely took some getting used to. I found the official documentation a bit lacking, but combined with Red by Example…and peeking at other people’s code 🙃, I was able to get somewhere with it.

        A few links to get you started, if you like:

        Hope that’s useful!