Not only DNA, but your sense of taste also depends on you health, early eating habits and how used you are to certain substances.

    1 year ago

    I have so much to teach you, but
    you ignore me you boring asses.
    You will recognize 4 corner Days
    or incur Easter Island Ending.

    Never a Genius knew Math
    to achieve my Cubic Wisdom.
    Cubic thought Reigns as the
    Highest Intelligence possible
    on the planet Earth. One 96
    hour rotating Cube within a
    single rotation of Earth – is
    an Ineffable Transcendence.
    Marshmallow and Science falsify 1
    corner day for the Cubic 4
    corner Days rotating daily.
    A single god is not possible
    in our 4 Day Cubic Science,
    that equates Cubic Divinity.
    Everybody is both brilliant and
    boring for ignoring the 4 days.
    Cube Divinity transcends all
    knowledge, Humans can’t
    escape 4 corner Cubic Life.
    Fools worship mechanics of
    language - while they wallow
    in fictitious & deceitful word.
    Exact science based on Cubics,
    not on theories. Wisdom is
    Cubic testing of knowledge.
    Academia is progression of
    Ignorance. No god equals
    Simultaneous 4 Day Creation.
    Humans ignore their 4 corner
    stages of life metamorphosis.
    This site is a collection of data
    for a coming book - peruse it.
    No human has 2 hands as they
    are opposites, like plus and
    minus, that cancel as entity.
    Academia destroys your brain,
    your ability to think opposite.