I want to play some old GameCube games on my Wii. I’m looking for a a GameCube controller or equivalent that would work well. I’m not doing competitive Smash or anything, but I would still like something that is decent quality. The stuff I’ve seen on Amazon kinda makes me think it’s junk.
What are your recommendations for a readily available GameCube controller at this point?
I recommend getting a Smash Bros U/Smash Bros Ultimate edition Gamecube controller on Ebay. It’s the same as an original Gamecube controller, except it has a longer cable (which is much better for modern living room setups) and it has the Smash Bros logo on it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/225532597419?epid=8032166771&hash=item3482ca54ab:g:zzMAAOSwf-JkPDeK&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8MJ3kSPdlQoRwFXheGH%2BSzXaS99WV6wLP6TIvIyt42GMxxqldWsFvcPfknSO0kzTqKdsZkTj5azOgJkYuMzwKQUT85y1Eq4aSusXgzWNSc9lHqfJwj%2BP9Y2gwE0yKZUUV5sxL7NDb92%2B48UGfe7%2Bb4APOSt5cDrG%2BGK1zvQw%2BiI%2Fz2NpZZkoLmcN%2BumNPUat1%2F5Aq3Y%2BWeBaHm3AiAxRS4hbtWkNeMFCkWtYJ1YGy4NNvoaZ9r5Iz1ovM%2F76EPr4dKin65uQwZFa2ZIn%2FA6whjQYLubCKoZthHGN27%2B8K5uhkL1%2FSE8tghJi9Y%2Bwkw%2BsVA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBMyNK8-pti
The Smash controller is very good, but not as good as an original. The new one is lighter, is made of cheaper materials (my non-scientific opinion from holding them), and has triggers that can get stuck at certain angles.
But as far as modern GC controllers go, that’s probably the best option.