• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • In this case, the context was that there was a threat being made, that voters could be materially harmed by the Chinese government if they did not vote a particular way. This is something that China has a history of actually following through on, so it’s obvious that people took it seriously. I don’t really have a problem with someone voicing their own individual opinion.

    To keep things simple though, probably all social media comments made by someone who is not in Canada related to Canadian politics should not be visible while in Canada. Canadians should be allowed to talk to each other freely. If Canadians want to see how Americans are feeling about our election, they should have to seek that information out from News Outlets, Pollsters, or even just directly talking to someone rather than it just showing up in some random feed on Facebook.

  • Yea, generally when it’s your government that loses the war and collapses, you don’t get much say in how your country gets divvied up afterwards. A lot of displaced jews needed a spot after the holocaust, so it made sense to do this.

    Those foreign countries were right to invade Israel and kill people? You fucking hypocrite.

    Reparations? Again you’re being hypocritical, you’re asking for Palestinians to be given their own country in the spots they were prior to the formation of Israel. Why shouldn’t the natives just be given the entire US back based on that logic? You willing to move back to whatever country your ancestors moved away from?

    Rules for thee, but not for me. It’s easy to demand things that don’t cost YOU anything.