BodyBySisyphus [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2021


  • The funny thing is She of the Real Time Fact Checkers lied her ass off the entire time. She lied about the Chinese Covid response, she repeated the Hamas sexual assault allegations that the NYT chose not to print, she either lied about her love of fracking (less likely) or her belief that climate change is an existential threat (more likely)*.

    The thing is those lies are all within the Pale of Discourse so they go unchallenged. Trump is such a gift to the democrats because they get to go as far to the right as they want while still keeping their cherished veneer of intelligence and maturity.

    *I suppose she could think both and either be a bona-fide threat to humanity or a complete idiot who doesn’t know what’s causing climate change

  • Apparently Ukraine is doing some saber rattling over the news that Iran is delivering drones and SRBMs to Russia, and the libs thirst for vengeance.

    Sample comment:

    What about interdicting those Iranian missiles in transit, or even within Iranian territory? We keep hearing about Israel being such an intelligence asset for the US as part of the justification for us arming them. Israel has previously shown that it has significant intelligence capabilities regarding Iranian arms production. Ukraine has previously demonstrated its willingness to operate to some extent extra-territorially in Mali, something not even directly linked to their own war to defeat Wagner there. What is the downside for Ukraine for attempting an operation that might require them to take action within Iranian territory or a neighbor’s territory that the missiles are shipped through? It may be beyond their reach, but it may not be as well.

  • I dipped a toe in the lib blogosphere recently just to see how the election coverage was looking from their perspective, and it’s amazing how orthogonal their news is to ours. Daily Kos has regular feature called “Russian Stuff Blowing Up” and tons of Ukraine war coverage but is essentially silent on Palestine. There’s a single recent, highly detailed diary that goes into Israel’s role in the October 7th casualties and is highly critical of America and Israel, and it has less than a tenth of the engagement as “Russian Stuff Blowing Up,” where they’re busy cheering on the possibility of a Ukrainian strike on Iran. The rest of the front page diaries are about Trump or the election (front page right now: Trump, DeSantis, Trump, Trump, political cartoon about Trump).

    I’ve spent about 8 years at this point drifting more and more leftwards after watching the fallout from the election and results (or lack thereof) of the marches and protests that happened immediately afterward, and it’s a little disorienting to see people I would’ve mostly agreed with inhabiting an alien world and speaking a totally different language. The comments sections suggest that there’s several people there who might be reachable but it seems like the majority is pretty much what you’d expect from an r/politics thread.

  • I’ve been thinking about this comment a lot over the last couple of days. I do my research in agriculture and food systems so I’ve had a lot of exposure to the “future is rural” philosophy, but it’s mainly in the context of climate change. It seems like anyone talking sense about the trajectory our society is on is quietly buying small plots of land for smallholder agriculture or posting about how farms are probably going to stop supplying food systems and start focusing on meeting their own needs as conditions get less hospitable. It’s interesting to consider that there’s a convergent response emerging as a result of automation.

    Meanwhile I’m sitting here on my small expensive urban plot that couldn’t sustain more than some summer vegetables because I thought I’d get bored doing actual agriculture blob-no-thoughts