CTHlurker [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2020


  • You can sort of skip the first half-ish of the book, if you don’t want to know the historical background for why the book is important. The second part, where he begins talking about how to get better at scheduling focused work, and the benefits of doing it are much more interesting. It’s also an incredibly easy read, and only about 250 pages, so even a busy person can get it done in like a week / long weekend. If I have to give Cal Newport some commendation, he is actually pretty good at writing in a way that is accessible, and he avoids a lot of the #Grindset shit that you see on instagram and hear on podcasts. In particular his point about concentration being a muscle that you have to exercise regularly, and if you don’t it will wither and must be retrained.

  • Been trying to read more in the past couple of days. Borrowed one of those demonic self-help books that everyone on my instagram is swearing by, and while the book itself is brainwormed (LOTS of great-man thinking, and reverence for people who’s only job is “investor”), forcing myself to spend a 60-90 minutes every evening has been quite interesting. I sort of fell out of the habit of reading seriously since my son was born, especially since I already had a daughter, and trying to keep them alive has been a handful.

    The book in question is “Deep Work” by Cal Newport, and it includes an incredibly funny section about the statistical genius known as Nate Silver, which has aged absolutely perfectly.