• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • As a non American, trump winning will destabilise things in Europe way more than it will in America. The cunt’s said Russia can do what they want with NATO member states. It means all aid to Ukraine stops and Ukraine will lose because Putin has an endless supply of meat to take it if Ukraine can’t find the artillery shells. Russia will turn Ukraine’s now highly trained, well equipped, and battle hardened army against Poland. Major bloodbath! After enough primary school children have died on the frontline the Baltic states will be next, followed by Scandinavia.

    Sure Europe will eventually stop them but at a massive cost. And that’s only if China doesn’t openly arm Russia or send troops. The only way to avoid it is if the US and Europe remain tight.

  • Gaza has a border with Egypt as well. If Egypt were so inclined, they could open it and allow all sorts of trade and humanitarian relief. They could even set up a refugee camp to protect civilians from harm. They would rather not open the border because they don’t want Hamas to get a toe hold in Egypt.

    Also as far as mineral rights go, the reason every partition plan has been shot down in the past is that the Palestinian side will not accept anything less than the entirety of Israel/Palestine and this has been the case going back to the first partition plan proposed by the league of nations in 1947. But as a result of not agreeing to any of the partition plans Palestine is not legally regarded as a country. And therefore doesn’t have mineral rights. Sucky but true.