DPRK_Chopra [comrade/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2022


  • I’m not as worried about the food production stuff as some others. It hasn’t been profitable to make market gardening or small scale farming a viable career for a long time for most people. Because of that we haven’t seen as much focus on local farming as we need. Yet. We all know that’s going to start changing rapidly soon.

    A single person can grow loads of potatoes in a pretty small area. My only issue, especially for other leftists is that the skills to do so might take you a few seasons to acquire. So get out there and start growing. If you haven’t yet, it’s kind of a bad time in North America, but read up on it this winter and try to grow some taters starting next spring. Use containers or whatever you can get your hands on for your context.

    I don’t know that we’ll start starving anytime soon, but I think the cost of everything will make life unbearable, and when it does, people will suddenly discover their green thumbs like in the old days.

  • Preparing my life to change from unemployment mostly. Paying off debts, figuring out how to best allocate the cash flow I currently have into some kind of durable savings. Making connections in my community and continuing to learn to grow my own food. General materialist / “prepper” fare honestly. Useful for any existential collapse, automation being just one of many scenarios.

  • religiously defensive

    I respect you, but I think you have a hard time separating the players (silicon valley, redditor incels, marketers, hype men) from the game (real science that is getting done that is interesting and miles beyond where were were last year).

    I’m not talking about biology or anything else. Just pointing out that if this train keeps moving at it’s current pace, we’re in for a massive upheaval. I’m not hoping for anything or pushing an agenda. Honestly the best case probably would be if a lot of the detractors are right, and this tech stagnates or plateaus in some way to give society time to adjust a bit. Or to imagine a world where you don’t die if you don’t have a job. I personally don’t have reason to believe it will stagnate, and am preparing for it not to.

  • You seem to have a kind of “head in the sand” approach to this (I get it, we have to protect our egos). Maybe educate yourself on what some of the research in this field looks like.

    Here’s a list of a lot of the common benchmarks that are used by researchers all over the world, and have nothing to do with Sam Altman trying to hype OpenAI’s stock price or whatever the latest late stage capitalist shenanigans are in the business world.

    • MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding)
    • TruthfulQA
    • HellaSwag
    • ARC (AI2 Reasoning Challenge)
    • Winogrande
    • BIG-Bench Hard
    • GSM8K (Grade School Math 8K)
    • HumanEval
    • MBPP (Mostly Basic Programming Problems)
    • CodeXGLUE
    • Chatbot Arena
    • MT-Bench

    I know some people are, but I’m not saying these things are sentient (nice Time link tho lmao). This is a massive leap in logic that you are making. I’m saying, these models are way better at taking standardized tests and shit than they were even months ago and that has implications for labor.

    Honestly you sound scared about this stuff.