Not everyone who claims disability is claiming for the “can’t walk 50 metres” part. Many people on disability work full time even, a far cry from never leaving the house. Many have daily hospital appointments. In other words, many have substantial travel costs. Many people, for various reasons, aren’t eligible for housing benefit and have to pay their rent themselves out of their UC and PIP. Your experience of disability isn’t the same as everyone else’s. Many have nothing left over after paying their basic costs, many don’t even have enough for the basics. Also the lowest rate of PIP is £114 a month, not £300.
I’m not sure why you’re trying to make being disabled and living on benefits easier than it actually is.
What does this have to do with the topic though? Are you saying housebound people get too much money? And so what if they buy entertainment from abroad - doesn’t everyone these days? Should they have to stare at a blank wall all day? They are still contributing to the British economy by buying their food and utilities here, and as stated, many actually pay rent. To even bring up the topic of housebound people not contributing enough to the economy by supposedly spending money abroad is such a capitalist mindset - why do disabled people need to justify their existence and their pittance in payments by contributing to the economy anyway?