DragonBallZinn [he/him]

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • Ws:

    1. My goal of limiting alcohol to one drink a week max is going well

    2. Noticing I’m stronger than I think I am at the gym. Recently benched 205 for a 1rm and my bench for reps is 185

    3. Went to dentist recently and nothing seems wrong, except for just needing to floss more

    4. Finally making my first solo long distance travel in my life. Paid for the ticket and everything to visit my more successful cousin. Hopefully I’ll learn a thing or two about getting my shit together


    1. Looking for jobs again, and of course since I didn’t major in stem that means not even an interview because clearly whether or not you’re good at an engineering discipline is the single determining factor of your value as a human

  • Once again, this redsails article is being dropped. It seriously should be considered Theory.

    The same inquisitive nature that first led them to unravel war propaganda narratives begins to feed an even larger psycho-historical narrative, and nihilism takes hold. The tragic cycle begins to appear eternal: innocent, well-meaning, hard-working folks are, time and again, viciously tricked by the scapegoating of a new rogue in the gallery — Indigenous, Black, Spanish, Jewish, Soviet, Vietnamese, Cuban, Serbian, Muslim, Libyan, Syrian, Korean, Venezuelan, Russian, Chinese. Due to the sheer power of propaganda and mass-media, the masses helplessly fall for hatred and volunteer for war, even though it comes at a very high cost to ourselves, our loved ones, and our ideals (religion, environmentalism, etc.). Sadly, the innate human propensity to “hate the Other” seals our fate as a society… or something along those lines. I am going to argue that this narrative is nonsense. It tries to pass off as universal and eternal something that in reality is particular and ephemeral. In short: Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits.

    I believe that, on the contrary, the process of Western propaganda is better understood in terms of “licensing”: the issuing of moral license for the bourgeois proletariat to profitably go along with bourgeois designs without the feeling of shame overwhelming. In this alternative account people aren’t “brainwashed” insofar as they don’t actually believe the lies, not in the way that we generally understand belief. It’s more correct to say that they go along with them

  • Agreed. I’ve been a teacher before and I don’t hate kids. So I think the problem is that “I hate kids” is more of a lie we tell ourselves because we cannot in good conscience have kids.

    There’s also the fact that the onus is always on women, so we know this is a proxy for something else. If more kids was that much of a priority the bourgeoisie would make some concessions in order to get it. They’d allow more building in “prime real estate” walkable cities and introduce the idea of “community” to America. They’d take a hit on their rent prices and let young people move to the walkable cities they yearn for so they can actually meet people, and you know, get laid to have kids.

    But no, their idea is that they want to mandate that women reproduce or be tossed in jail, and further hammer in the idea for men that if they don’t get laid by age 30 they’re a hopeless loser.

  • So far so good with my goal of limiting alcohol to at most one drink a week.

    Right now, I am unfortunately unemployed as my seasonal work expired and the infamously stingy job market meant I couldn’t find a new job in time: not even an interview. So I’m hoping I can grin and bear it with some part-time work to a: save up money to move out again, and b: it wouldn’t be such a surprise I gtfo’d a month after starting if the best case scenario happens and I find a better paying job. Being reserve army of labor sucks.