Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t this lead to issues with a sort of sky burial religious practice in that area as well?
My mother would tell us that she especially loved visiting her grandparent’s house because they had color tv
So…this video doesn’t depict a real thesis defence? Awkward…
Please keep up reposting these! You’re doing amazing work.
Agreed! I’ve been cackling manically while my boyfriend keeps telling me to calm down 🤣🤣
Thank you to all for this glorious moment!
So they take up precious hospital resources when their enthusiasm gets the terribly sick.
It’s money grubbing all the way out 🥲
Believe it not hospital boards are like this too. Profits > quality patient care especially when they’re made up of the ‘good ole boys’
This would have been Eddie if he had decided his evolutionary breakthrough was more protection instead of flying (Ice Age).
I wish I could upvote this more, that show is amazing!