LanyrdSkynrd [comrade/them, any]

Fuck, I don’t know anymore

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Everyone should talk to their relatives, especially elderly relatives about scams. The most important points are:

    That they should never trust that the person calling is who they say they are, they can always hang up, look up the number and call the company/police/whoever directly. Also talk about how scammers create a false sense of urgency. Lastly, talk about the ways scammers collect their money, by having you send venmo/Apple pay/Zelle, gift cards or crypto atms, nobody legitimate requires that kind of payment.

    It’s a hard thing to talk about without making them feel like you’re calling them dumb or gullible. The way I broached it with my mom was to tell her about someone smart I knew that got tricked by one of those tech support scams.

    Nothing guarantees you won’t get tricked into a scam, but you can make it harder

  • At my volunteering gig, I got into an argument with this boomer who was constantly trying to boss me around and act like I had some ulterior motive for volunteering. She wasn’t anyone’s boss, but she’s been volunteering there for ages, so she has this attitude that she’s above me. Still, I should have just let it go. They didn’t text me to give me a schedule, so I guess that’s over.

    I was mainly doing the volunteer work to kind of practice for working again, since I’ve been out of the workforce a long time. I’m kind of thinking that I should just enjoy the free time I have left before I have to rejoin the grind of wage labor.

    I’m making good progress on running. I’ve run almost 60 miles so far this month, and broke my personal record for a 10k by a fair amount. I’m going to take it a little easier next week because I definitely overtrained.

  • I’m training for a 10k race and it’s going pretty well. I’m running farther and faster than I’ve ever done. I probably won’t actually compete in the race since it’s $60, but I’m going to run the route and try to hit my goal time.

    On other fronts I’m not doing as well. I’ve got to go back to work sometime late this year after 15 years out of the workforce. I’ve been trying to simulate what’ll be like by volunteering, but I’m having trouble getting along with people. I feel like quitting because it’s making me more anxious.

    I’m just going to try to stay positive and not worry about it.

  • I’m back on nicotine, too.

    I quit smoking a year or two ago by switching to vaping and gradually reduced the nicotine dose to zero. I fell off the alcohol wagon for a few days and bought one of those disposable vapes. I haven’t drank since, but I’ve been wasting a small fortune on those vapes.

    I keep telling myself I’m going to quit again, but I’ve got a lot going on right now. I’m looking for work for the first time in 12 years and recently quit smoking weed. I’m afraid of changing too many things at once and having a major relapse and ending up on harder drugs again. Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself.

    Wishing you luck comrade!

  • These posts always make me question myself because I’ve basically never worn deodorant or antiperspirant.

    I’ve had jobs where you can’t be stinky(sales,office jobs, at a hospital), and nobody has ever said anything. I’ve lived with partners for 16 years, none have ever complained about my smell(besides times when anyone would smell, like after a long run on a hot day).

    I’m guessing I just have lucky personal body chemistry, but I’m sure there will be some people telling themselves I’m just smelly and don’t know it.