I’m just here for the free vacation.

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • No. I did that once (as a middle class person too proud to accept daddy’s help) and it was fucking awful. I lasted 8 months before I had to consult Bank of Dad, which I’m pretty impressed by, but everything about it sucked. I would steal loaves of bread from bakeries at 4am, as they’d leave them outside to cool. I’d go to late night chippies and make up stories about being on a great adventure for charity so they’d give me free chips, I’d buy my clothes from a market that sold soiled and ripped clothing donated from fast fashion stores, and I’d hand sew them back to acceptability so I could wear them. We’d dumpster dive, forage, and beg, and it still wasn’t enough. Rent started going on credit cards, I discovered new addictions I couldn’t afford just to cope with the pain of no heating, shitty food, and a general feeling of desperation. And I had a fucking safety net, I was nowhere near the suffering of most people at this kind of poverty line.

    Elon is a rich prick. I got a momentary taste of poverty and it was fucking awful. He would have caved in a day.

  • Foraging. Don’t eat random shit from the wild without IDing it (intelligently, not just with AI apps), but also don’t listen to the scary stories and harsh warnings. Dying by plant (or mushroom) poisoning is very rare, most bad eats will give you the trots and you’ll be fine a day later. It’s easy to find good foods without stress, and while a professional guide can help, there are SO many books that have virtually the same info. Start with local, easy foods like leafy greens, nibble small amounts and wait 24 hours, and you’ll start seeing how simple and attainable forging is.