Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

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  • 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Well, it’s not like we couldn’t fall back to animated webps for that until it’s no longer a problem.

    Depends on how configurable image-rs is I guess.

    I could test avif for my posts tho, as I host my images with catbox anyway.

    I’m certainly curious to see if I can achieve smaller files with the same quality, as it’s always nice when browsing is fast.

  • It’s still Marcy. But then I’ve held the stance since the start and I’ve read the manga, so it was unlikely to change watching the anime.

    I really loved the paintings added to Marcy's nightmare, they more explicitly spell out her implied past trauma of losing her human father to old age.

    I really wanted to see more of Izu in this season, but as she isn’t with the main gang from the start, there was never going to be that much of her int this first run.

    Rest assured she’s in it for the long haul. Next season we’ll see plenty more of the best cat-girl in fiction.

  • The manga is also perfect.

    Having read it made me more excited for every episode, not less. Every week, I was hyped to see fantastic moments from the manga in motion.

    Do you have any idea how hard it was to hold back on Izutsumi fanart until she got introduced?!

    The anime is fantastic, but I still wouldn’t say the manga is a “lesser” version of the story, so if you want to know what happens next, don’t hesitate.

    The anime will still be amazing, and worth watching.

  • Laios’ promise to never leave Falin again is a poignant indicator of the fact that he does care for people. A lot.

    It’s such luck that they’ve made so many friends during this delve! I’m sure a standup guy like Kabru will be delighted to help consume Falins dragon parts!

    Smolcy was too good for this world. But it’s better this way. Elven Senshi is too much for anyone to handle, and Chil is better off tiny and light.

    I really like how they all notice the differences between their races. Marcy is useless with the mana-pool of a half-foot. Chil really does have good reason to bail on combat. Dwarves are strong AF, but it isn’t all upsides. Tall-men may be weak, but they have unbeatable endurance… Etc.

    And elves are just… Really hot?

  • Chapter 52 made for a pretty good stopping point in the end. It got some deets from the surface mixed in, and an outlining for what the gang plans to do next.

    Many questions remain. Why are the elves here? What exactly happened in Kabru’s home village? Why is forbidden magic forbidden? Who and what is the winged lion? No high-stakes final climax, just a calm trolley-ride into the unknown.

    If you’re dying to know what happens next, I highly recommend the manga. Having read it has not ruined watching the anime for me in any way whatsoever. The opposite, I was only more hyped because I knew what was coming. So once season 2 rolls around, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it just as much as I have, if not even more knowing that the story only gets better and more interesting as it goes. Or maybe it’d make the wait even worse…

    If the manga is something that interests you, I’m happy to say the adaptation has been extremely faithful, to the point that there are no differences to account for if you want to pick up where the anime has left off. Your starting point, then, would be chapter 53. Still, the manga is a masterpiece, and I think reading it from the start will give you an appreciation for the details, and a chance to notice new things, which is something the anime has been doing for me.

    This episode adapted another Farcille moment that I’m really happy I don’t have to wait for. Is it even possible for a character to be sweeter than our dear Marcy?

    And Izu is already showing a huge change. Though initially put off by Marcy’s outburst of emotion, she is very quick to try and awkwardly offer comfort. Not to mention that she was settling down for a nap in Marcy’s lap to begin with :D