I believe the death toll is currently 600
I believe the death toll is currently 600
Huge bags of money.
Same as bankers hedge funds anyone really in finance and a whole host of jobs.
Think oil barons cry themselves to sleep at night.
Consciouses are for the weak minded. Sleeping pills and alcohol solve that pretty fast
Lamb is prohibitive expensive. That’s coming from a country that’s has more sheep than humans. Not a chance I can afford to buy lamb even though it’s Soo good. Chicken and beef mostly and maybe something when it’s on deal.
High doubtful.
A significant population have left for good. Sure more will take it’s places but it will get shttier and shittier. Just like Facebook before it.
This is reddits watershed moment.
Those that care will leave. Those that don’t will drive it down into the depths of hell. Remember reddit works because of content creators. As they leave or that content changes. It will slowly or quickly change.
Sexy. Although I wished they remaked the originals. Would love to play them all over again. But without the kinky controls. Leave her as a 2d polygon shape. Improve the speed and have auto targeting.
Backflipping backwards dual wielding pistols. Glorious
It’s a change. Harder to use initially but then I’m sure I’ll get used to it and enjoy it more
Barbie. Maybe it’s not for me. Partner like it.