• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Yeah, whooshed for sure.

    Frankly, I have no idea what the majority of modern American Evangelical style christians are going to do when and if they end up in front of their deity, because everything I’ve read and studied is pretty contrary to most of the modern Christian Political talking points. Jesus was very against the types of people christians today have become, Jesus certainly wouldn’t have advocated for taking over Rome to become the new oppressors. These same folks believe the book of revelations is going to happen but they can’t fathom being a part of the body of the great whore of babylon.

  • I assume you were trying to reply to me.

    In some parts of christian purity culture, specifically for mormons allegedly, they think it’s a big no no to have sex before marriage. They’ve come up with loopholes to avoid actually having sex but come as close to it as possible. Soaking is when you penetrate someone and just let it sit there with no movement. Allegedly on the BYU college campus, it is popular to go “soaking” while a friend of yours jumps on the bed nearby you to create the sensation of motion, this act is called “jump humping”.

  • Well, in the linked comment, on the second line where it says to import the converted epub into editing software like sigil,there was a link to a piece of software called sigil, it’s for editing EPUB files, and it’s called sigil. It’s the second link in the comment that takes you to the EPUB editor software called sigil.

    I have been tempted to upload them for others to use, but all the authors that I’ve done it for are really small niche community authors, and I do not want to take support away from them.

    Just because I’m a broke ass bitch and have decided to re-copy them however I see fit for my personal consumption, doesn’t necessarily mean I want to become a bootlegger publisher.

  • I would like to do something like that but I don’t want to be scrutinized about technically being a bootleg publisher.

    The books I did it to are from small authors writing for niche communities and I don’t want to make it easier to pirate than buy in that case. Anyone else can find those same PDFs on a website easy to search and well recommended by the community so the information is available, and if they want an ePub they can format it themselves or just buy the version from Amazon and support the author.