Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Ever heard of chick shredding? We need far more hens than roosters, so the males get shredded.
Milk and Honey involve absolutely killing animals. For milk the “excess” bulls are being killed. Not to mention the rape to get the cows pregnant for them to produce milk. Maybe we shouldnt breed animals that suffer at all. The bee hives get sugary water instead of their honey, this weakens the hive since its obvisiously unhealthy for the bees. Also the honey bees suppress other natural bees, that are neccessary for many plants since the honey bee doesnt pollinate every plant.
Maybe we should just let the animals alone. We dont need them for food.
Controversal take: Ebikes are capitalismized bikes.
No boat would live that long…
This might be silly but we could replace the ice with trash?
My problem with it, and this might be wrong so sorry if i am, is that he doesnt have a clue how the people he represents live. Politics have separated from the people and he doesnt recognize this. Instead of understanding his job or his land, he seem to care more for his looks. Its another little step in diverting from the people. I personally have no problem at all if someone just does what he/she likes as long as no boundaries are hurt. Im happy that this gets more common these days.
Google sucks
Im using LibreWolf. Its a fork of firefox. For me its the perfect balance between compatibility and privacy friendliness.
Just put plastic bags over them.
“because it’s supposedly “impossible” for the company to train its artificial intelligence models — and continue growing its multi-billion-dollar-business — without them.”
O no! Poor richs cant get more rich fast enough :(
Its called Süßmausantifa.
I guess its some overlap from the backrooms.
I think he meant the other way, why we humans wont have steel or wool in us
Because Steel and Wool degrade into their chemical components by chemical reactions (like oxidation or mold). Plastic wont, it gets smaller and smaller but it stays plastic. So Steel and Wool “skip” being really small, they become other chemicals nature can work with.
(this might be wrong, pls correct if so)
Boss tried to shoot himself, missed because he was really drunk, hit the radiator and flooded the whole shop.