Redbolshevik2 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2021


  • One aspect I enjoyed was the presentation of a Fascist society from within that society. I think Triumph of the Will has so thoroughly made Fascism into this grand and serious thing when there were millions of Fascists who spent their days hanging out with their friends and having meals and making jokes. This predominant depiction of Nazis I think turns then into an alien force of things that look like humans but just goose-step and kill people (and the show utilizes that imagery when it depicts the Ishtvalan genocide).

    That said, I think it undermines itself with the ending and turns Fascism back into an alien force imposed on humanity, but even then it shows how people can be easily taken in and corrupted by institutions and their propaganda.