• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • You can make up all the reasons you want, the end result is the same. People use windows because the product works better and more reliably. If you want to split hairs be my guest but every metric windows wins against Linux in gaming. It has a higher user base, more software, better support, and as you said even entire businesses developing stuff for it because businesses go where the customers are. Sure you can say “oh they just greased some palms”, but if you knew anything about the gaming world that doesn’t mean jack shit if your games and hardware sucks. The graveyard of failed hardware and software prove that. As much as I love steam and I’m glad the steam deck is having success every other Linux based hardware attempt they’ve come up with has failed hard like their console and steam link. And what’s your point about some games running better? Some games run worse too, beyond the fact your statement admits not every game runs better, how does that make Linux superior? Your example about companies also doesn’t disprove anything because a company can do that…but hasn’t in the entire 40+ years of Linux existence…curious isn’t it? Also you can program driver’s for windows too for devices lol, how else do you think people tinker with stuff? I mean I’m using a PS3 eye as a webcam on my Windows PC rn with custom community made drivers just like Linux does …

  • Sure, games. Proton/wine came a long ways but it’s far from perfect or has the same depth of software as native windows. Also potentially having to mess with lutris can be annoying. Graphics drivers are also better on windows too. If you’d like to try to argue this just look at protondb. Is it a 100% compatible with every title? No? Hmmm… Not to mention proton triggering some games anti cheats.

    It’s also why there are several memes including the one posted just yesterday or the day before about “cheating” on Linux with windows for gaming. Plus the whole standard advice ive seen on Lemmy being “Linux for daily driving, windows partition for gaming.” Now again, why would that be the standard advice? https://lemmy.world/post/5834366

    ^—thread in question where Linux gamers commiserate their difficulties getting certain games to run on their Linux systems.

    Linux is fine, windows is okay if you disable the telemetry, just use what ever os and software you want but it’s really silly to make false claims.

  • If you look at the food selections in starfield it follows what astronauts currently eat//projected to eat in theory for deep space travel. The reason chunks is so popular is not just because it’s everywhere but you can take it on your ship as rations. Food in 0g environments must be very compact and produce as little crumb like issues as possible to keep the food from getting into your space craft machinery. Be a real shame if your life support system shorted out because a drop of liquid got in it or your engines shorted out cause a chunk of apple got in it. Same with the bugs, I read a report that they could use certain bugs like worms as a protein replacement due to the science required to break the atmosphere. Because every single unit of weight must be calculated for fuel consumption entering and exiting atmospheres(a problem we don’t really have on our player ships due to instant refilling he-3 gas tanks.

    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21554801/#:~:text=larvae were regarded as an,the last two instars%2C respectively.


    Now for why it’s still popular after grav drives produce artificial gravity, I have to say it’s probably because people got so use to eating it on ships in the 300 years since Earths Demise and everyone bailing. Plus for in the rare instances your ship malfunctions from getting shot.

  • As much fun as I’m having with starfield(150 hours since September 1st, because yes I pre-ordered but it was also the first time I’d pre ordered a game in a very very long time ) that was my take on a lot of its issues. I won’t say they did no QA playthrough but it certainly feels like they didn’t do enough and that was after delaying the game even for like an additional 2 years. Supposedly they were all set to launch the game in late 2021 but Phil Spencer paid them to work on bug fixes for longer. Then nonsensical design choices like not having med pack counters where your grenade counter is or a “current equiped power” info area above your current equiped weapon info area on the HUD in 2021 or 2023 is laughably unthinkable. But the meat of the game has been worth the questionable sourced veggie “bugs” on the burger as a whole imo.

  • A few days late and not OP but they aren’t referring to that, but the scene further along where Luke cuts Vader’s hand off as he is down on the ground beaten and the emperor to push him fully to the dark side says something like “finish him” in his sinister tone. And then luke has a revelation where he was about to kill his father and the roles were reversed from bespin. Luke then chooses to not kill his father and threw his lightsaber down. Then gets electrocuted by force lightning and causes anakin to redeem himself saving luke and “killing” the emperor.

    I believe that’s what they were referring too.

  • Yes HDD are disc based tech, yet I’ve never heard them refered to as just a disc drive without the hard despite having a platter disc in them. While not being the end all be all, wikipedia has disk or disc drives listed as referring to purely optical media.

    And I use them to access a plethora of media from old back ups/family pictures, DVDs/Blu-ray, backing up said DVD/Blu-ray to Plex if I like them that much I want them digitally, old games(my oldest still useable disc is my 1998 minted “GOTY” Diablo 1.) Also just never hurts to have the ability to burn a CD or DVD either, though mainly still get the use out of CD burning for cars without an aux.