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Cake day: 2023年7月18日


  • No. I agree that liberal “democracy” is a sham. But the so-called “ratchet effect” is a useless meme. Democrats push us into reactionary politics too; they don’t just “keep us from going left”. The current head of the Democratic Party, occupying the most powerful political position in the world—more powerful than any king throughout the history of human kind—is the one of the most devout supporters of zionist genocide you’ll find, chose to crush the rialroad strike, largely architected our system of mass incarceration and mass surveillance (he boasts of having authored the Patriot Act, and he actually pushed Ronald Reagan to go harder on the “Drug War” than the latter was inclined to do on his own), led the charge on indebting generations of college students, and is now on the brink of starting WW3 in the Middle East (after risking it in Ukraine).

    Genocide is a non-starter, period. It is not, and can never seriously be construed as, harm reduction. Don’t vote for fascists. Those actively enabling genocide against Palestine are fascists. Thankfully, there’s no debating the genocide now if you have any honesty whatsoever. Liberals advocating for voting for genocidal candidates of either/any party can fuck right off and [redacted].

  • As for environment, the US nuked themselves over a thousand times, mostly on the Nevada desert. People in the 1950s used to go to Las Vegas to watch the explosions, nowadays they still go for the casinos, and that’s after many of the old dirtier bombs got exploded above ground…

    The US honed that skill by turning nukes into a tourist attraction for its own citizens over 60 years ago.

    Here you go, you revisionist, gaslighting piece of shit:

    The partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    The fallout from atmospheric tests created a global health crisis. A 1961 study revealed that strontium-90, a radioactive isotope, was building up in the teeth of children living in the St. Louis, Missouri area, hundreds of miles away from the nearest nuclear test site in the Nevada desert. Efforts by thousands of scientists and the international public raised the alarm about contamination from atmospheric nuclear tests and urged global leaders to act.

    By 1963, the international community had negotiated the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which prohibits carrying out nuclear tests in any environment that would allow radioactive material to spread across a country’s borders, including atmospheric tests, underwater tests, and tests in outer space.

    The Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty dramatically reduced and eventually ended atmospheric nuclear testing. But nuclear testing did not slow down. Instead, countries with nuclear weapons shifted to underground test sites.

    Just because a particular city nearby didn’t suffer the effects of fallout doesn’t mean it was under control and didn’t have horrific effects on people literally hundreds of miles away. You are literally just spewing “clean nukes” propaganda straight out of the playbook of the U.S. arms industry. Go fuck yourself.

  • This is a terrible take by someone who has heard plenty of propaganda by the arms industry but knows absolutely nothing about physics. Many of the products of the primary and even secondary nuclear reactions from a nuclear warhead are themselves radioactive and have long enough half-lives to do tons of damage in both the short and long terms. Whether or not there is radioactive material spread around is not simply a question of whether some of the original fuel remains unspent.

    If all you’re doing is spreading war propaganda, log off and go rethink your life.

    EDIT: Folks, start here and read other materials by the Union of Concerned Scientists. Don’t let this bullshit whitewashing of the dangers of nuclear weapons, their use, and their testing go unaddressed. And speak up against this kind of propaganda showing up in our communities—especially leftist ones.

  • They killed over 1000 innocent people in their latest attack, raped a bunch of people, and kidnapped people, including foreign nationals.

    Turns out probably not. You should really stop believing Israeli propaganda at face value. A thousand or so people were killed, yes. Many of who were Israeli militants, and many more definitely settlers and not “innocents”. Some were definitely killed by Palestinian militants (some of whom were Hamas members) during the prison break. But many were killed by IDF and Israeli police, who didn’t care who got caught in the crossfire and literally shot Israeli homes with Israelis sheltering inside using tanks. And also literally did air raids on their own military facilities, where IDF soldiers were defending themselves until being killed by their own friendly (missile) fire. And reports of rape during that particular incident have, so far at least, been debunked.

    This might, at least, be a bare start to actually educating yourself (though its clear from the sense of your participation here that that is not a priority for you): A growing number of reports indicate Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian and military deaths following October 7 attack

    Anyway, Hamas good/bad is a distraction from basically everything. It’s irrelevant when there’s millions of people who have no choice but to engage in violent struggle against their oppressors or be (with more or less speed) genocided.

    Their stated goal is the complete destruction of Israel and the Jews

    Destruction of the apartheid state of Israel, yes. Not of Jews. You should pay more attention. And destruction of states is good. Destruction of colonialist states is even better. And destruction of apartheid states is an absolute necessity. That doesn’t make other aspects of Hamas good, necessarily, but the destruction of Israel is most definitely not a point against them. Israel must, indeed, be destroyed.

    Someone get this Zionist fucker out of here, eh?

  • Yeah, pretty much. The president has enormous power, and that power is even greater outside the country’s borders. Especially because of things like the “Authorization to Use Military Force” which gives him pretty much carte blanche to “fight terrorism” anytime and anywhere he likes.

    There’s also this general process by which the president historically just does what he wants, and the rest of the government shrugs its shoulders and rolls over, and thus his office essentially just has that de facto power, no matter what the constitution or other laws say: Renegade Cut: No More Presidents.

    The U.S. president is more powerful than any empire in the world has ever been, is pretty much a king, and basically does what he wants. Liberals often make excuses about how his hands are tied. It would be great if that were the case, but it’s really, really not.

  • It’s good to document the resulting problems, but the analysis of the root cause is absolute shit and is clearly done by liberals (confirmed by them interviewing AOC and uncritically broadcasting what she says without calling her on her own support of colonialism, genocide, and capitalist exploitation). They blame this on a “lack of rules.” Bullshit. If there were no rules (laws), the local population would simply kick the rich people out and expropriate their shit. I think you’ll find there are plenty of rules and plenty of enforcement. The problem is just that all of that law and order is directed squarely against the working class and indigenous populations.

    “More rules” isn’t a recipe for fixing anything. People rising up is. Fortunately there was a little anarchist graffiti on that school’s wall. So these liberal journalists are not the only people advocating for solutions.

  • Still pretty weak, TBH. Language calling Hamas’ actions “attacks on random Israeli civilians” while giving at least some credence to the phrase “Israel’s right to defend itself.” That’s a lot of giveaway to imperialist and Zionist propaganda while allegedly trying to clear the air on who holds what opinions.

    This is an anti-colonial struggle. Colonized people have a right to defend themselves. Nation-states absolutely fucking do not, nor do colonizers while they violently expand their colonies, uphold apartheid, and continue to commit genocide. Upholding one’s oppression is not coherent with self-defense, sorry.