• 26 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024

  • Yeah, uBlock Origin not working would take me from liking YouTube a fair bit to making it unusable.

    • I use Proton but keep legacy Gmail accounts around to ensure I still have access to accounts I may have forgotten about or people I knew a long time ago sending a stray email. The only other usage is logging into YouTube.
    • I use a Captcha solver extension.
    • I use uBlock Origin to block all their ads.
    • I don’t use their DNS.
    • I use DDG over their search engine and Firefox over their browser.
    • I don’t use Google Drive or their office suite (I think the latter is abysmal to use tbf).
    • I use DeepL over Translate.
    • I use NewPipe for YouTube on mobile and have a subscription to Nebula.
    • I no longer use Google Maps, opting for OSM instead.
    • I still use Android and unfortunately can’t unlock the bootloader but have degoogled as far as I know how, including never even registering a Google account with it (F-Droid + Aurora Store).

    YouTube is far and away the biggest means by which I interact with Google, and that falls off a cliff if I’m forced to interact with a mess of their ridiculously shitty ads every time I have to use it. uBO has likely saved hundreds of hours of watching ads over my lifetime (and probably thousands of dollars from not being subconsciously influenced by ads), and I’m not paying a subscription fee to such an unethical company to get rid of the ads. This would bring me from YouTube as a timewaster to YouTube only as strictly necessary. Even though I don’t support them directly through ads, I do support them by supporting creators I like monetarily, by sharing links and maintaining the network effect, and by giving them plenty of metadata by interacting with their service. If they do this, they ensure that I continue to monetarily support competitors like Nebula and permanently lose a grip they’ve had on me since I was a kid.

  • A GOP staffer seems to have gotten ahold of Hope Walz’s diary. The Harris campaign is now contending that’s not how it happened, claiming that breakfast was basically ready, but that Walz spilled coffee all over his Gophers apron and had to run to the laundry room to put stain remover on it.

    The fact that they’re willing to admit this level of incompetence is telling, and many people on Facebook are saying Walz left the flame on the oatmeal by accident and came back exclaiming “aw, shoot” (swearing in front of his small children)!! Not a man fit for vice president.

  • Christians are routinely taught that god is not just loving (“benevolent”) but all-loving (“omnibenevolent”). Here’s the Pope talking about how “tender” and “astonishing” and “gratuitous” god’s love is. 4:8 of the First Epistle of John in the Bible – part of the de jure and de facto source of truth about god for Christianity – reads: “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

    Sure we could reduce that down to “omnibenevolent as long as you love him back”, as e.g. Proverbs 8:17 says “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” But even then, god heavily abuses those who love him. The Bible tries to justify this bizarre cosmic domestic abuse in the book of Job, but it’s one of the most ridiculous, fucked up stories imaginable where god literally bets with Satan that he can fuck up one of his most devoted follower’s life as much as he wants and he still won’t turn away from him.

  • No, no, you see it’s free will. Which makes total sense, because god can’t possibly foresee what we’re going to do, which is a problem omniscient beings definitely struggle with. Or if he can foresee what we’re going to do and he is omniscient, then he’s not omnibenevolent because he had exact foreknowledge of what was going to happen and let it anyway. After all, why “test” if you already know the precise outcome if not to watch people suffer for fun? If you need people to learn lessons, why can’t you just magically teach them those lessons? And if you’re not capable of this, how are you omnipotent?

    Pick at most two of the three; you can’t have all of them.

  • It’s so fucking comical to me too that they call it “god’s will” when children die of the most horrifying, excruciating diseases imagnable long before they’re capable of understanding what’s happening, but when a pregnant woman makes an informed decision not to die during childbirth over a shrimp living inside her taco, that’s a bridge too far, and the all-mighty creator and ruler of the universe is very disappointed in you for killing one of his children when he was powerless to stop it.

    Sweetie, maybe your fairytale sugar daddy’s will isn’t all that benevolent. 💀