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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • They are just parotting the rumor that Thorin started that he heard that October was the date. Idk if anyone really knows. On the same podcast smooya said the teams have been informed that cologne will be on CSGO, but just a few days earlier it was reported from someone at ESL that they were hopeful it would be cs2. And spunj who I imagine would know esl things before smooya also said he hadn’t heard the csgo confirmed thing for cologne yet. Imo it would be kind of dumb for cologne to just randomly be on csgo, when the rest of the year we will probably be playing cs2. so I kind of think they will try and have cs2 ready by then. Or maybe they don’t give a fuck which would also check out, it just seems like launching cs2 right before one of the biggest tournaments of the year viewership wise works be a no brainer.