the year is 2027
newsrooms have come to the consensus that the only way to protect Українська culture against russian aggression is to stop translating the language entirely and teach cyrillic to thousands of writers
the last troops (split about 50/50 between balding 50yo skinhead volunteers and depressed conscripts fresh out of high school) are crossing the Дніпро into Київ
president Залу́жний (who presided over the unprecedented (TACTICAL) retreat of Українська forces after their
collapse of organizationbrief pause on directives being ordered after Зеленський handed over power to him after being negotiated to take a break from his job by 2-3 infantry brigades) is live on tv, drunk off of chardonnay (purchased via money he obtained from selling surplus artillery to Netanyahu’s Legitimate Government In Jerusalem (he cryptically told him he was “one of the good ones”, deemed by newsroom consensus to be a folksy Українська statement and nothing deeper))
Залу́жний is probably talking about “the nukes being back” as he gives a thick slap to an irbm
I can’t tell though because this dorky asshole commentator is telling me that “Ми зробимо Росію схожою на Юкка Флетс, лайно ти” has too many sociocultural connotations exclusive to the Українська language that it can’t be directly translated to english