• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I know you specifically said you did not want people talking to you to make you feel better, but what kind of rotten society would we live in if everyone just turned a blind eye? isn’t precisely that behaviour what drove this man to self-immolate?

    I can’t really be of much help to you beyond maybe chatting, and I have not been in your shoes, but if some rando on the internet can care about you, definitely someone from a closer circle will too. And maybe you don’t need someone actively trying to make you feel better, but someone with whom you can be honest and sincere about how you feel. You don’t have to carry that burden alone, even if it sometimes feels like its the only way.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that choices and opinions tend to change with time… if you let them, and you, as well as people around you, nudge them in the right direction.

    About the self-sacrifice, I find the situation that drove him to do that utterly horrific and unacceptable, but the act itself I can not bring myself to support. Yes, it worked and it had an impact, but at what cost? was it really worth the price he paid? couldn’t he have made a huge impact (even if lesser) without paying such a heavy price? We can’t really tell, but the saddest part is that, now, we will never be able to.

    Forming bonds with others, relying on them, supporting others and getting help is what makes us a community, and that is a core aspect of being human. Sharing our lives with others is nothing to be ashamed of, quite the contrary, it is something that defines us.

  • I think that replying to a wrong answer with its correction or a reason why it is wrong should do the trick in your scenario. I don’t think most people write a wrong reply knowing it is wrong (In which case it is the moderator’s job to act upon misinformation), and not being able to downvote them spares them of the unnecesary -100 votes to a mistake. This works much better here than in Reddit, since the communities are not that big and these sort of comments would not be swallowed by the rest, but even in Reddit, what made me realize comments were wrong was the replies to them, and not necessarily the downvotes.

    And as for personal oppinions, I feel like in real life we don’t use “downvotes”. If I like what you say, I hang out with you, if I don’t, I simply won’t be around you, I don’t go tellig other people “beware of that person”. So I don’t see the need to bring that to an online community.

    But again, you probably have more experience in the matter, so take my opinion with a grain of salt :)

  • It is true that fusing them might get more people together, and thus more activity, but it is kind of sad to have drawings and painting together with rooftop gardens or clothing. I gues I can try keeping them bothe alive and If one does not have any activity in a long time we can reconsider. Also adding the existence of the other in the description might get the posts a bit more organized.

    I’ll make a post in both then :)

  • Ok! Then I might go make a post in /c/aesthetic (aesthetics says to me a more general thing than art, and you suggested to delete one. It also has more subscribers :D). If I handle it well and some other communities are still up for adoption, I might consider taking up another one in due time.

    And thank you for everything you have done so far so some of us can come to an already fully functional community! :D