anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]

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Joined 13 days ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2024


  • Heritage Foundation are US Americans, who have existed as a right wing think tank for decades, and have pushed these exact policy trends for decades in US governance, including as a sizeable chunk of Reagan’s policy advisors. There is zero reason to think “ITS DEM ROOSKIES”

    Anyone who has been training you to look for Russians under your bed and in your phone and behind any and all western-hegemony-narrative-contradicting media is brainwashing you and gaslighting you into thinking it’s all “foreign agitators” instead of your own ruling class being what they’ve always been. The Democrats started this “RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE” nonsense trying to both bolster their ‘new cold war’ and also pretend that Hillary Clinton wasn’t such an unlikeable ghoul of the establishment that even someone as repugnant and stupid and corrupt as Trump was preferred by enough population to flip critical swing states. POOTIN did not make the US racist and divided. They had a whole-ass civil war over slavery and then sabotaged reconstruction and never stopped oppressing their colonized minorities.

    The US is the largest most violent empire in the history of the world, with more people in prison than anyone anywhere now or ever, has the most expansive and intrusive and all-encompassing surveillance and propaganda networks in the world, and most of the worst conflicts in the last decades were directly or indirectly caused by the USA, oftentimes deliberately or otherwise knowingly.

    Russia has an economy as big as Italy. And most of the power it does have comes from its military spending (which is still not remotely close even a little to the 800+external-base-having, largest-oil-consuming and greenhouse-gas-emitting-ass military of the US and its NATO vanguard), being a major exporter of important metals and fossil fuels, and having remnants of interconnectedness of economic and cultural/linguistic legacy with some former-USSR states. Russia is also terrible at propaganda, especially foreign propaganda, as anyone who engages with Russian media could tell you. They are not making your country what it is and has always been.

    Look inward at your own ruling class, not outward at [ENEMY STATE OF THE CURRENT ERA], to find the causes of your societies’ problems.

  • I wouldn’t say that; and no disrespect to you, but I think it’s irresponsible and dangerous to allow this notion to be pushed, in the sense of undermining vigilance. The US objectively has the most, and the largest, organized armed fascist militias in the world. Most of them just aren’t adventurist dipshits. (Also this guy seems to be a radical neolib rather than a political fascist, which is honestly very funny.)

    But just as there are adventurist provocateur dipshits on the left, as well as shrewd Marxists who denounce individual acts of violence or terror as adventurism that only alienates the public from us and gives an excuse and support for hyper-violent suppression of the left by the state; there are also adventurist provocateur dipshits on the far right, as well as shrewd fascists who denounce individual acts of violence and terror for the same, and are instead quietly training and movement-building; keeping their activities such that half the people in their life and at their jobs don’t even know they’re murderous racists. For every group of neo-nazi oo-rah chestbeaters you see on the street, and every lone-worm mass-shooter, there are 100 groups and 1000s of shrewd fascists, quietly growing their base, who are infinitely more dangerous. And it’s worth holding that in mind.