Well, according to al jazeera they dropped 6000 bombs - 4000 tonnes - from Oct 7 - Oct 12.
As of 2nd Nov the number was 25000 tonnes. Let’s say that’s 25000 bombs.
Pretty terrible death rate for that number considering the options available.
Well, according to al jazeera they dropped 6000 bombs - 4000 tonnes - from Oct 7 - Oct 12.
As of 2nd Nov the number was 25000 tonnes. Let’s say that’s 25000 bombs.
Pretty terrible death rate for that number considering the options available.
We know their intentions, Israeli officials say it plainly
I thought they only lied though. I guess you can always pick and choose which parts you believe.
Ignoring any conclusions you have made from Palestinian reporters, what war crimes have Israel committed?
It’s also a large part of why people believe everything Hamas says (e.g. death tolls) while also refusing to believe anything Israel says.
0.5% is a terrible genocide.
create anything new, it can just remix old stuff.
Same thing different phrasing.
Wanting to see someone with that much power lose as much as of that power as possible is socially responsible imo.
Okay. Whatever you tell yourself to justify being pointlessly hateful.
Bet you’re gonna just ignore all that and still call it an open air concentration camp 🤦