Writer at Fortuna Saga (www.fortunasaga.com), sprite artist, veteran, bisexual dad, and someone who generally over-thinks SNES RPGs.
Chaotic Neutral; He/Him
Surprising no one. We must conclude that the Biden Administration intentionally decided that arming and funding a genocide was worth losing the presidency.
Yup. Easy uninstall otherwise.
Bahamut Lagoon is still one of the best written games ever. Find a translation if you need to. It’s wonderful
If the penalty for a crime you were caught and convicted of doing is literally nothing, then it would be foolish to not be a criminal
This, but for basically every for-profit insurer for the past five years. Anyone with insufficient reserves now should be nationalized because clearly their for-profit model is useless.
“Resources.” They didn’t want to pay to do the work so that citizens will bear 100% of the risks and costs even though they already paid for it. We’ll also have to pay to bail out the insurance companies that I guarantee will cry that they don’t have large enough reserves despite historic stock buybacks and dividends in the industry.
A failure on so many levels.
A few years ago, I devoured the Ascendant series by K Arsenault Rivera. Basically a soft magic universe based on Mongolian and Chinese mysticism set in a different world, but the parallels are pretty obvious. The main focus is the sapphic romance between the two leads, but It does a good job of mixing world building, epic battles and military maneuvers, demons and magic, and relationships. I highly recommend it.