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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Although I’m sure the headline is true, at least with my industry it’s a little misleading. All we did over the past few years was cut in Mexico as middle men.

    There’s no cost effective domestic source of a particular raw material so it’s traditionally been purchased from China and turned into a product in the US. With various tariffs and labor costs it’s now cheaper to purchase the same raw material from China, turn it into components in Mexico (thus a Mexican product), and then do final assembly in the US. On paper we’re importing things from Mexico but the majority of the money still ends up in the same place.

    I’m curious if that’s the case for other industries.

  • It’s pretty common for a CMM to be in its own climate controlled room. Parts will be placed in the room and allowed to reach reference temperature for a several hours prior to measurement.

    On production lines you usually skip the absolute measurement of a CMM and use go/no-go gauges. One should fit, one should not. They’ll be made of a material with similar thermal expansion coefficients as your parts. As long as they’ve both been sitting around for a while they’ll be at the same temp. They’ll have expanded or contracted the same amount from reference so their relationship of go/no-go will still hold true.

    The whole field of metrology is a never ending rabbit hole - really interesting the more you get into it.

  • Tangentially: Microsoft Teams and SharePoint web infuriate me daily. All the functions that should be separate programs are rolled up into one inseparable window forcing you into a single task workflow.

    Want to have two folders open at once that you can drag between? Want to copy a file to your desktop? Read a message from a colleague while looking at a planner item? Pretty much any basic task that Windows 95 can handle with ease? You’re screwed.

    These are all things that should be separate programs handled by the OS and a samba share. The MS Office ecosystem has regressed massively over just a few short years thanks to teams.