Can someone explain the love for Taylor Swift to me? I know she makes music a lot of people enjoy. I’ve heard the stories of her giving big bonuses to those who work for her. I guess all I see is a billionaire with a great PR team.
Can someone explain the love for Taylor Swift to me? I know she makes music a lot of people enjoy. I’ve heard the stories of her giving big bonuses to those who work for her. I guess all I see is a billionaire with a great PR team.
a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.
For those who don’t feel like looking it up.
Have you not noticed that it seems to be coming back in style? I have a transparent case on my steam deck. I’ve seen the same mods for other consoles. I’ve seen transparent battery packs and transparent controllers for sale recently. Also didn’t a company just release a transparent phone a couple months ago?
Yeah but where with all the animals?
Can someone please answer this?!
This reminds me of the stickers that come on some Walmart-level “mountain bikes.”