Set the electron g factor to exactly 2
Set the electron g factor to exactly 2
I actually thought this was about rolling up cables: circling on the top and over-under at the bottom
“Where’s the buss stop?” Bam, you just collected information that could be useful.
All it took was a MS buyout…
Aha, well it’s fortune 500
What kind of company doesn’t insure against sickness of their employees? When I mentioned I was sick a lot, my boss at the time laughed and told me the company gets an insurance payment if I’m out, so not to worry. Fyi, I’m in Europe.
I blocked their instance a few days ago when I noticed the described behavior. Good, now I won’t see all the ‘empty’ comments
Did I misunderstand? A house should not be called house? A rock is not a rock?
Is this why my grub disappeared? I didnt pay attention on my gaming pc and then a few weeks later I noticed when I wanted to boot into linux. Fucking windows.
The word is charge-parity. All physical systems (at least I’m quantum physics, I cant speak for other fields) are symmetric (nothing changes) if you change C(harge), P(arity) and T(ime reversal) at the same time. This is called CPT symmetry, see
As antimatter can be described as normal matter going back in time (see the other comment), it means antimatter can also be described as normal matter transformed under the C and P operators. If T(particle) = antiparticle and CPT(particle) = particle then CP(particle) = antiparticle also.
And the reason you can reverse time is because most of the equations are quadratic: they have a positive and negative solution, one describes particles moving forward in time, the other solution describes antiparticles going backward in time.
NB: in quantum field theory it gets slightly more complicated, lets leave that as homework ;)
I learned that many things take less than 5 minutes and the joy of having something finished felt way better than putting it off
That would be great if it happens. Lets hope we get a class of helpers or butlers that do not phone home, but build on top of open models and protocols
And will it run locally away from all the tracking and ads? Thats what I thought.
Exactly, if that’s what you set it to. Opting out is made extremely hard on many sites. This addon fixes that
I really like consent-o-matic on firefox. You can set your cookie level to (dis)allow, and it goes through them automatically when you land on a site.
There is “i dont care about cookies”, but I do care, I dont want your cookies and I dont want to go through your dark patterns!
You can uninstall it with winget uninstall cortana
, never gave me any issues, works like a charm. Removing edge will break some stuff though, you need some edge render thingie for certain programs like Weather.
What about winget
? I ripped out a whole bunch of stuff (like cortana) from W10 when winget became available. Best thing MS has done for windows in years
They got me