notceps [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2021


  • In the annals of this present era, when Heaven’s favor once bestowed upon the Empress of the European Realms, Ursula von der Leyen, now appears to wane, the signs of discord multiply in alarming fashion. Not since the distant days when rulers were cast from their thrones by the wrath of nature have the rivers of Europe surged so violently. The floods that have swept across the lands, from Austria to Hungary to Poland, have wrought devastation.

    These torrents, swollen with the rains of Heaven, have overwhelmed the great rivers—the Danube, the Morava, and beyond—bursting their banks, as if in a dire warning. Villages lay submerged, and cities were brought to their knees by waters that left most of their homes underwater. Bridges, those vital arteries of the realm, have collapsed, and the call for a state of natural disaster echoes across the land.

    Surely, this is more than a mere misfortune; it is a sign from the Heavens. The Empress von der Leyen, though resolute in her proclamations of European solidarity, has lost the sacred Mandate of Heaven. Even now, the rulers of the East and the West scramble in panic. The governor of the hungarian province Viktor Orbán, was compelled to abandon his parliamentary duties and the teutonic general Olaf Scholz schemes the downfall by marching his army on the prohibitively expensive city of Brussels the seat of the Empresses power. In these omens, it is clear: Nature herself cries out, demanding a renewal of leadership that may once again align with the will of Heaven

    The Empress, once entrusted with the sacred duty to guide her people, now finds herself beset by calamity on all sides, for the favor of Heaven does not waver lightly, and the storms above reflect the discontent below. As the rivers of Europe rage, drowning cities and villages alike, it is not only the Empress von der Leyen who must look to the heavens in fear of her fate. In these times of great upheaval, the court of Europe is rife with whispers of challengers, each seeking to seize the Mandate of Heaven and bring forth a new era of rule.

    Reporting from the Red Turban headquarters planning the fall of the EU Sky and the rise of a red one, there will be prosperity under the heavens.

  • Dresden’s Carolabrücke Collapse: A Stark Reminder of Government Neglect Under Scholz’s Regime

    Dresden has been plunged into turmoil as the Carolabrücke, the city’s most vital bridge connecting its northern and southern halves, collapsed during the night. This shocking event has not only severed a critical transport link but has also laid bare the weaknesses in Germany’s infrastructure management under the current regime led by the authoritarian leader Olaf “Nr 2” Scholz.

    The Carolabrücke was more than just a bridge; it was a key symbol of Dresden’s unity and economic vitality. Its sudden collapse is seen by many germany watchers as emblematic of broader issues plaguing Germany’s economy and leadership, widespread recession, corruption and instability. The Scholz regime, already facing criticism for its handling of various international issues, now finds itself under intensified scrutiny as citizens question how such a crucial structure could be allowed to deteriorate to the point of failure.

    As the nation looks on, Chancellor Scholz and his government are facing mounting pressure to not only provide answers but also to take swift and decisive action. From the Bundestag only one thing can be heard “Es wird sich grundsätzlich nichts ändern” (Nothing will fundementally change). Several NGOs one of them Germany Watch lead by renowned Dr. 艾德里安 曾兹 has issued warnings that a human catastrophe is imminent if the world community does not act now.

    Reporting from an underground bunker in srfland I’m Notceps back to the studio.

  • In german news after the AfD won big Scholz has decided to take a page of out a very successful politician, brandon. That’s right baby ‘Nothing will fundementally change’ ole Scholz doesn’t think he should stop any of his wildly unpopular policies of being pro-war, pro-genocide, pro-racism, pro-border, no he thinks that if they just stay the course with him as the captain they’ll get a mandate for 2025 that they’ll be the government without doubt. (“fest damit, dass die SPD und ich 2025 ein so starkes Mandat bekommen, dass wir auch die nächste Regierung anführen werden”)

    Keep in mind his coalition has been historically unpopular and almost all polls will see SPD just eat massive amounts of shit.

    In short Emperor Olaf Scholz has lost the Mandate of the Holy Roman Empire his fall will soon come to pass.

    PS: We need some Olaf Scholz emojis because he has just been the worst and it’s surprising that there’s nothing out there on him.

    Like you can’t tell me someone can’t make an emoji out of his bond villain arc.

  • Alright mini rant here because reasons but

    The US just can’t accept that WADA, which receives more funding from the US than from any other country in the world, isn’t biased towards Americans.

    It quite literally is though I think the best example of this is currently Wesley Kitts who was popped with methylhexaneamine, basically amphetimes, and got caught. Now they say ‘Well he didn’t want to compete and did those drugs recreationally so we will only allow a suspension for one month’ which went from July 3 to August 3, weightlifting competition starts on the 10th which is really really really opportune timing. Now before you bring anything up let me again say this:

    He got popped for a competition that was mandatory for qualification for the olympics. He weighed in. He really wanted to compete and got popped. And even if he didn’t attempt to stimulants like this provide more blood to skeletal muscle which in turn helps build muscle mass and this drug can and has been used to mask other performance-enhancing drugs.

    The USA is getting special treatment but they are not getting enough special treatment it seems. Like they pulled this shit for a weightlifter that the last time around came 8th in his weightclass. Absolutely embarrassing show at the very least by the US weightlifting team but watching commentary on swimming, tennis and the newest ‘boxing scandal’ the USA should be heavily penalized but they won’t.

  • Not to worry intelligence services and police already were monitoring the communications and even infiltrated left-wing extremist groups like Last Generation known terrorists that do extreme things like marches and protests.

    Like you already know this but the germans were already doing this against left wing groups. This isn’t because germans have a problem with Nazis it’s because AfD is soft on Russia and China like they’ve been Nazis for as long as they’ve been around but it’s only recently become a problem so now they acknowledge something everyone knew for literal decades.

  • notceps [he/him]@hexbear.nettoRPGMemes*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Just gently remind the player that it is a game, if they insist tell them that a Chimpanzee has a STR of 14 and since most fighters would have that or well above instead of doing the ole ‘have at thee’ they’d could just grapple them and crush their windpipe, if you have some ogre they realistically would just grab the wizard and pop them like a waterballoon but obviously no one does this because it’s boring and makes for a bad game.

  • OSCE had a mission through the entire period 2014-2022 as observers and released daily reports of the region together with ceasefire violations so we can find it for pretty much any day online like this one from 2022-02-03, and you can look up others here.

    I can’t find it anymore but there was a video floating around of Zelensky inspecting the troops and telling them to stop attacking the DNR and the soldiers telling him straight up no. Although I can’t find that video you can look at the election results from 2019, Zelensky ran on a platform of brokering a peace calming tensions with ethnic russians and general prosperity which is why Poroshenko accused Zelenski of selling out to Russia. A ton of people in eastern ukraine wanted things to calm down and that’s why he got the most votes there, but the military and the neo-nazi paramilitaries kept on doing their thing and here we are.

  • Metallurgical coal only makes up for rather small part of coal mining, around 7% of all coal production goes towards it, and while the process produces more GHG than just burning it for power it has a less profound impact because it’s just smaller. It’s also one of the places where we can’t really find an alternative, to produce steel you need to use bitumen coal because they have more carbon and less volatiles than charcoal.

    On top of that steel is extremely recyclable meaning that any steel produced can be reused pretty much 1:1 with only a small amount of energy needed.